All-in-One NDIS Provider Simplified

Stay audit-ready and streamline your operations with a platform developed from real provider insights.

Designed for NDIS Providers and Disability Support Services, our solution simplifies management so you can concentrate on what truly matters—delivering exceptional service and growing your business.

MyProviderHub - HQ

MyProviderHub – HQ is the ultimate provider management solution specifically engineered for NDIS Providers, promising perfect audit preparation and streamlined record-keeping all in one place.

  • Enquiries/Lead Management
  • Participant Management
  • Bookings and Rostering
  • Employee Management
  • Compliance and Business Operations Management
  • Provider Policies, Knowledge Browser and Forms within the Help Centre

MyProviderHub - Care

We offer an exclusive care hub designed to empower Managers, Sales Consultants and Registered Nurses with the resources they need to deliver exceptional support

Featuring robust capabilities such as enquiry tracking from initial contact to conversion, complete participant management modules including support plans, risk assessments, and essential documents consolidated in one convenient location.

Our systematic approach allows for the development and monitoring of care plans crafted by Registered Nurses, ensuring each participant receives personalised attention. Stay on top of medication charts, coordinating seamlessly across participant shifts, with our easy-to-navigate interface.

NDIS Provider Solution For Sales, Managers and Registered Nurses.
Application for NDIS Provider Support Workers.

MyProviderHub - Support

Designed specifically for your frontline support workers. Empowering frontline staff with an arsenal of resources, MyProviderHub – Support equips provider support workers with everything they need at their fingertips, ensuring the delivery of top-notch quality services backed by exceptional knowledge.

With MyProviderHub – Support, viewing rosters and understanding participant support plan procedures has never been simpler, ensuring you are always prepared for the day ahead. Plus, our built-in support system provides you with instant access to provider policies, a knowledge browser, and vital online forms, such as incident and medication incident reports, offering guidance whenever uncertainties arise.

MyProviderHub - Participant

Our comprehensive Participant Hub enables participants and their guardians to seamlessly manage every aspect of their support system with unrivalled ease. From hosting essential documentation such as Support Plans, Care Plans, Personal Emergency Egress Plans (PEEP), and service agreements, MyProviderHub – Participant puts control firmly in the palms of your hands.

Access to vital resources including welcome packs and user-friendly documents that simplify complex information. We empower NDIS Participants to maintain accurate personal details and fund management at their convenience, ensuring their records are always up-to-date. Whether accessed via mobile or desktop, our intuitive interface is designed to provide a stress-free user experience.

NDIS Provider Participant Portal

We believe in partnerships and have empowered NDIS Providers to be audit ready.

Why Try Us?

With MyProviderHub, we understand the unique challenges that NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) providers face every day. Our mission is to equip you with an all-in-one application that not only streamlines your workflow but also ensures that you’re always audit-ready. Here’s why you should choose us:

Be Audit-Ready Always

Our application offers peace of mind by keeping you audit-ready at all times. With the latest compliance features, smart reporting tools, and up-to-date record-keeping, your NDIS provider business will always be prepared for any audit that comes your way.

Save Valuable Time and Money

We believe in providing outstanding value without overwhelming your budget. Our affordable solution minimises administrative overheads, optimises process efficiency, and saves you precious resources, which means you end up saving both time and money.

Created By the Industry, For the Industry

Years of industry experience have informed every feature of our software. Developed with input from seasoned NDIS providers, our platform is tailor-made to address the nuances and specific needs of the industry.

Choose MyProviderHub and empower your business with the expert tool designed to help you succeed as an NDIS provider.

Find the Perfect Subscription Plan for Your Business

Effortless packages for business growth and scalability

Provider Lite

Minimum 10 Clients
$ 49 $4.90 / Client / Monthly
  • MyProviderHub HQ
  • MyProviderHub Support
  • MyProviderHub Participant
  • Technical Support

Provider Business

Minimum 10 Clients
$ 59 $5.90 / Client / Monthly
  • MyProviderHub HQ
  • MyProviderHub Care
  • MProviderHub Support
  • Customised Branded MyProviderHub Participant
  • Technical Support

Provider Enterprise

Minimum 10 Clients / $1999 Setup Fee
$ 758 $5.90 / Client / Monthly
  • Customised Branded MyProviderHub HQ
  • Customised Branded MyProviderHub Care
  • Customised Branded MyProviderHub Support
  • Customised Branded MyproviderHub Participant
  • Manage Multiple Providers
  • Customised Workflows / Features
  • Customised Online Forms
  • Technical Support